Within the Content Creations Kit (CCK), 3D assets are represented as props. These can be placed and manipulated in the environment scenes similar to filling up a room with furniture in the SIMs. A certain subtype of props are able to be interacted with during runtime, known as Interactable Props and Socket Props. The CCK systems which institute these objects are based on the Unity XR toolkit.
A user of the CCK has a centralized place to import all assets including extra 3D files which you want to treat as props. I created a supplementary system which presents the user with an import window, through which if the file type is identified as a 3D object, a prop may be configured for use. This automates the set up of the required scripts, serialized data, prefab creation and collider definition. The latter encourages a flexibility to define which area is the actual socket and which area is the actual grabbable part of your object depending on which type of prop you want.
After a scene is populated with these props, this functionality comes together in one of the CCK’s most complex nodes. It features a deep arrangement of settings which basically define a set interaction between a single or a group of interactors and sockets.
Check out the gameplay here
Aside from getting the chance to create one of the CCK’s most engaging features unique to the VR space, creating the drag and drop system allowed me to develop a broader familiarity of the XR toolkit in Unity.